Saturday, December 18, 2010

Slippy, Sloppy 11K

T'was a mixed bag on this run tonight.
 The roads were so slippery with thick,dirty snow (you gotta run in it to know what I mean) that I was slipping and sliding and slogging through. I was heading toward home at 3K and thought I'd call it a night but I got onto a clear albeit wet back highway, not too much traffic. I could only do it because I had my new headlamp. It was really hard when I had to go onto the shoulder because it felt like I was running in deep sand. Luckily, that didn't happen too often. My trusty four-legged friend, Shelby was with me, so I don't mind running in the dark, back roads. I looped around until I reached almost 7K and thought that might be it for the night as I had to go back into sloggy roads, but the one road wasn't too bad. I figured I might as well tough it out for 4 more K because I really needed to get some distance in before the Resolution Run in less than 2 wks. I checked my time at 10K and I'd managed to take 2 mins. off my time from my 10K run two weeks ago. That got me feeling hopeful for my upcoming run. If I could take 2 mins. off in these conditions than maybe I can do a decent time(for me) on the 31rst.
I put in 1 more K and it was the toughest as it was in my neigbourhood on thick, mushy snow - my legs are gonna feel it in the morning -did  lots of stretching. The weather was great -3C, about 26F very comfortable for running, not much wind and lightly falling snow.
Not bad for this newbie!


  1. That's great Lee. I bet your lovin that new present!

  2. Good for you....been there done that with the go girl!!!!!!
